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fork() and pipe()

Process Creation

Where do processes come from?

fork() # create a new process

fork() is the UNIX system call that creates a new process.
  • fork() creates a new process that is a copy of the calling process.

  • After fork() we refer to the caller as the parent and the newly-created process as the child. This relationship enables certain capabilities.

process updated

fork() Semantics

  • Generally fork() tries to make an exact copy of the calling process.

    • Recent version of UNIX have relaxed this requirement and there are now many flavors of fork() that copy different amounts of state and are suitable for different purposes.

    • For the purposes of this class, ignore them.

  • Threads are a notable exception!

fork() Against Threads

  • Single-threaded fork() has reliable semantics because the only thread the processes had is the one that called fork().

    • So nothing else is happening while we complete the system call.

  • Multi-threaded fork() creates a host of problems that many systems choose to ignore.

    • Linux will only copy state for the thread that called fork().

Multi-Threaded fork()

There are two major problems with multi-threaded fork()
  1. Another thread could be blocked in the middle of doing something (uniprocessor systems), or

  2. another thread could be actually doing something (multiprocessor systems).

This ends up being a big mess. Let’s just copy the calling thread.


  1. fork() copies one thread—​the caller.

  2. fork() copies the address space.

  3. fork() copies the process file table.


After fork()

returnCode = fork();
if (returnCode == 0) {
  # I am the child.
} else {
  # I am the parent.
  • The child thread returns executing at the exact same point that its parent called fork().

    • With one exception: fork() returns twice, the PID to the parent and 0 to the child.

  • All contents of memory in the parent and child are identical.

  • Both child and parent have the same files open at the same position.

    • But, since they are sharing file handles changes to the file offset made by the parent/child will be reflected in the child/parent!

Calm Like A fork()bomb

What does this code do?

while (1) {


Chains of communicating processes can be created by exploiting the pipe() system call.
  • pipe() creates an anonymous pipe object and returns a two file descriptors: one for the read-only end, and the other for the write-only end.

  • Anything written to the write-only end of the pipe is immediately available at the read-only end of the pipe.

  • Pipe contents are buffered in memory.

  • Why is this useful?

IPC Using fork() and pipe()

  1. Before calling fork() the parent creates a pipe object by calling pipe().

  2. Next, it calls fork().

  3. After fork() the parent closes its copy of the read-only end and the child closes its copy of the write-only end.

  4. Now the parent can pass information to the child.

# pipeEnds[0] gets the read end; pipeEnds[1] gets the write end.
int pipeEnds[2];


int returnCode = fork();

if (returnCode == 0) {

  # Don't need a loopback.

  # Read some data from the pipe.
  char data[14];
  read(pipeEnds[0], data, 14);
} else {

  # Don't need a loopback.

  # Write some data to the pipe.
  write(pipeEnds[1], "Hello, sweet child!\n", 14);

Issues with fork()

Copying all that state is expensive!
  • Especially when the next thing that a process frequently does is start load a new binary which destroys most of the state fork() has carefully copied!

Several solutions to this problem:
  • Optimize existing semantics: through copy-on-write, a clever memory-management optimization we will discuss in several weeks.

  • Change the semantics: vfork(), which will fail if the child does anything other than immediately load a new executable.

    • Does not copy the address space!

What if I don’t want to copy all of my process state?
  • fork() is now replaced by clone(), a more flexible primitive that enables more control:

    • over sharing, including sharing memory, and signal handlers,

    • and over child execution, which begins at a function pointer passed to the system call instead of resuming at the point where fork() was called.

  • Try man clone in your CSE421 VM.

The Tree of Life

  • fork() establishes a parent-child relationship between two process at the point when each one is created.

  • The pstree utility allows you to visualize these relationships.


Created 2/17/2017
Updated 9/18/2020
Commit 4eceaab // History // View
Built 2/9/2017 @ 19:00 EDT